14 June

COPD- Types, Symptoms & Diagnosis

Over a period of time, COPD drives a condition when you find it difficult to breathe. It’s not possible to reverse lung damage, but certain lifestyle changes and medication changes can help you control the symptoms.

There are two main types of COPD

- Chronic Bronchitis- Involving Long-term with mucus
- Emphysema- Involves damage to the lungs over time

The Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

- Cough with mucus that is persistent
- Difficulty in taking a deep breath
- Shortness of breath with mild exercise
- Shortness of breath in performing regular activities
- Wheezing

The Diagnosis of COPD

To examine your lungs and overall health, the pulmonology expert in Bhubaneswar will collect your medical history, perform a physical exam and prescribe some tests, such as breathing tests.

The mainstay is the spirometry test for COPD treatment in Bhubaneswar. It helps in detecting COPD before symptoms are identified. Your doctor can also use the test results to discover how grave your CPOD is and help plan your treatment goals. Spirometry is a sort of lung function set that help to assess how much air you exhale.